Tuesday 15 September 2015

Adverb Poem

One day I asked my Mum how I could improve my descriptive and poetical language.  She suggested a adverb poetry exercise she used to do with her Speech and Drama students.  I decided that I wanted to give it a go.  The adverb I chose was 'Silently'.  

This is my Adverb poem.


Silently the majestic clouds slip past the dim Autumn sun.
Silently the malevolent ninja drives his sleek blade across the enemies villainous throat.
Silently a cool breeze drifts through ancient skies.
Silently a deadly shark will rocket through the calm ocean.
Silently a strong wind carries a beautiful seed dancing over deep oceans, harsh deserts and cold, snowy mountain peaks.
Silently the gentle morning dew embeds your feet in a sparkling crystal moisture.
Silently the hawk shall swiftly glide through the endless heavens above.

by Finnegan Pannell-Gould