Minute to Win It
This is a fun suggestion that my teacher posted on Edmodo. It's a webpage that gives you lots of ideas of things you can do. The goal is that you have to keep doing them for one minute.
The first one I tried was keeping two balloons in the air for one minute.
Here I am ready to go...
And here is a video of my first attempt...
Science Centre - Minute to Win It
That day I also went to the Science centre. They were having a summer of Sport Science so I tried it out. I decided to use some of these activities as Minute to Win It games.
In this one I had to balance on a wobbly platform.
In this one I had to jump from side to side over a small yellow barrier.
Mathtastic Lunchtime
We went out for lunch one day and the activity sheet they gave us had a number code on it that you had to figure out which symbol meant which number and then add it up. For example planet + rocket = ? It was quite fun.
Dough Patterns
Mum made silky dough for Patchy and Izzy to play with. Our focus for this term is patterns, so I decided to see if I could make some patterns in the dough. Can you guess what I made them with?
Angular Momentum Maths
This week I started to get a bit curious about the way one of the pieces of equipment at the playground works. So we've been learning lots and lots about this special principle called the Conservation of Angular Momentum. I'm going to do a blog post about everything I've learned about Angular Momentum later. But here is a photo of me working out how it works by using my times tables. Angular momentum = m (mass) x v (velocity or speed) x r (radius - or how far away from the centre of the circle you are forming your body stretches).
(Mum probably should have moved her empty coca cola bottles out of the photo.) |
I love maths too! Those Minute to Win it games looked like fun. From Eric