Thursday 13 August 2015


We were going to Hampstead Heath one Sunday when we suddenly spotted THIS sign!  It was on a bike cart and they seemed to be giving away free ice-cream.

Of course we quickly hurried over but as we got there my face turned as green as a frog - the ice-cream was made out of bugs and insects!!!

Even though it was full of bits of bugs I decided to be brave and give it a try.  I decided to try the one that looked the least buggy - which was the vanilla, chocolate, strawberry.  It had worms, grasshopers and other mixed critters.

Isaac and I bravely took our first bite!  It was absolutely....... ...... ..... DELICIOUS!!!

In fact we even went back for seconds... and thirds!

The idea behind the bug ice-cream is that eating bugs is better than eating meat because bugs are a sustainable source of food, easily farmed without much damage to the environment.  Also, they are much healthier than meat because they have about the same amount of protein but with much less fat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Finn
    You are a crazy bug eater! Even though we love ice cream I dont think we would have tried it! What did it taste like Finn? It sounds really interesting and yummy.
    From Josh, Jake, Olivia, Oliver, Ian and Room 16
