Thursday 27 August 2015

Afghan Dance Moves Flash Mob at the Museum of Childhood

We went to the Museum of Childhood.  As well as getting to see some awesome old-fashioned toys and do a lot of craft I got to join a Flash Mob.

We've seen lots of Flash Mobs before on Youtube and they always looked like a lot of fun.  When we turned up at the museum I was really happy to hear that we could go and do one if we wanted.

First we went into a big room where we practised the Afghan Dance moves.  The parents had to join in too.  The moves were based on kite-flying.

Then when we got home Dad told me that kids in Afghanistan would have kite wars with kites they had made themselves, but instead of just flying the kites into the other kites, the kids would make the kites with thin blades on the edges which they would use to cut the string of the opponents kite.

Here's a video of us doing the flash mob in the main hall of the Museum.  Can you spot any moves that look like a kite flying - or like someone flying a kite?


  1. How wonderful you guys. You are learning so much through experiences such as going to museums and other places. Keep enjoying yourselves. Lots of love Poppa xxx

  2. How wonderful you guys. You are learning so much through experiences such as going to museums and other places. Keep enjoying yourselves. Lots of love Poppa xxx
